Our Fleet
The ATR72 is derived from the ATR42 with a 4.5m stretched fuselage.
The ATR72 is recognised as the most cost-effective regional aircraft, positioning it as the industry preference to serve both low-cost/low yields environments. A range of improvements in the field of noise and vibration reduction has been implemented.
Capacity: 68 – 72 Passengers
Configuration: 2 x 2 Seating
Seat Pitch: 31” – 29”
Forward and Rear Cargo / Baggage Holds + Lavatory
Minimum Airfield Width: 14 Meters
Gravel Runway Capable

The ATR42 is configured with 48 passenger seats and is a specialist aircraft able to operate into short and narrow runways whilst preserving a high payload and therefore ideal for services that have historically utilised smaller aircraft such as the 36-seat Dash 8-100 series.
Capacity: 44 – 48 Passengers
Configuration: 2 x 2 Seating
Seat Pitch: 31” – 29”
Forward and Rear Cargo / Baggage Holds + Lavatory
Minimum Airfield Width: 14 Meters
Gravel Runway Capable

The ATR42 offers a combination of high overall performance and freight capacity maintaining the competitive economics trademark of ATR Aircraft. Having recently undergone a Passenger to Freight (P2F) conversion which removes all non-essential cabin interiors and strengthens flooring allows for a significantly increased max payload capacity of 5 Tonnes.

With a team of seasoned experts and state-of-the-art aircraft, Aerlink takes you to destinations others can't. We are dedicated to delivering safe and effective aviation solutions, ensuring you reach your destination with peace of mind.

Aerlink’s fleet of World’s Best Regional Aircraft is supported by in-house crewing, flight training, operations, and maintenance. We hold the internationally recognised BARS Gold safety standard.

BARS Gold Safety

World’s Best Regional Aircraft

Lowest Emission in Class

Most Efficient in Class

Extreme Hot/Cold -45 / +50

Unpaved Runway Access Gravel, Clay, Grass+

Short Narrow Runways

Dispatch Reliability 99%

Seated Space = Airbus A320-200

Internal Noise Levels = Regional Jet

Steep Approach Capability 6° Slope

Crosswind Handling up to 45kt